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OlilO Product Design/Development offering includes solutions, services and products spanning the complete product development lifecycle, from ideation through design to manufacturing and production across various industries.
OlilO Product Engineering solutions help customers assess and improve product performance, using advanced mathematical modeling and simulation tools. This is done at different levels of fidelity, from physics-based models at component level to more abstract models at system level. These solutions help customers move from physical to virtual prototyping. We can also formulate, analyze and interpret the outcome of the simulation tests.
OlilO's Product Manufacturing solutions help customers in ensuring the manufacture of components and prototypes according to the required specifications using SLA, FDM and SLS techniques.
Product ideation, converting marketing requirements into product concepts, product styling or applying packaging criteria.
Feasibility studies, use of DFM, DFA and DFMEA techniques to optimize and validate designs, value engineering and virtual simulation.
Expertise across mechanical, electrical and electronic domains is leveraged upon for modeling, simulation and actual implementation for the components, subsystems or complete products.
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