4D/5D/6D - BIM

Construction Sequence

4DĀ Building Information Modeling (4D BIM) is a process to the intelligent linking of a 3D digital model with time or schedule related information. It provides precise and useful construction project information for teams. It's gaining momentum in the industry by providing both tangible and intangible benefits for it which are set out here.

The benefits of 4D BIM modeling

  • Risk mitigation due to improved team coordination and communication
  • Conflict detection
  • improved delivery time and cost savings
  • improved quality

4D BIM modelling visualization incorporates start and finish date data for the supply and installation of construction components and reveals the importance of them in relation to the overall project.

It has removed the challenge associated with traditional scheduling of construction sequences of misunderstanding brought about by the lack of visualization.

We are greatly expertise in 4D analyzing software like Navisworks Manage and Synchro 4D.