Public Cloud Services

Public Cloud Services

Companies can get the benefit of cloud computing and perform seamless business transactions at ease in the form of Public Cloud. SrinSoft has broad expertise in platforms like OpenShift Online, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), IBM's Blue Cloud, Sun Cloud, Google AppEngine and Windows Azure Services Platform.

Benefits - Scalability

Cloud resources are available on demand from the public clouds. Resources can be scaled up and down as per requirement. With the help of vast availability small and medium organizations can rely on the maximum customer reach and business expansions on the fly.

Public Cloud Service

Cost Effective

Public Clouds are shared resources from a common cloud which offers great level of resources from large economies of scale. The centralized servers resources are commonly available as shared resource across the cloud services components. Public cloud services are pay as you go charging model.

Location Independence

Hosting in a cloud ensures the application works through internet from ensures services are available where the client is located. This provides remote access to IT infrastructure from different locations.

Public Cloud Service

Cloud deployments
